20. She’s On A Diet Or Starting To Go To The Gym Without You
Much like with # 19, if she suddenly gets obsessed with working out and getting in better shape without sharing any particular motif with you, it may be clear that she’s doing it for other reasons, which may not be for you.
Wanting to be healthy or get into a better shape is a very ambitious goal, and in a long term relationship, your woman would typically want to share that experience with you, or at least offer for you to join in on it. If she wants to keep this journey of her to herself, she’s purposely choosing not to share it with you.
21. She’s Beginning to Develop A Personality
People do change overtime, and especially when they’re in a relationship. But the changes are typically subtle; new interest here and there, new habit, learning something new that causes them to have a new perspective on a matter. If the changes come so drastic that it causes you to question who she is, then it’s likely she’s getting influence from somewhere or someone else.
It may not always be another guy that causes those big changes, but it’s clear that she’s not happy with the person she’s become and it’s only a matter of time before she meets another guy that aligns with this new person she’s becoming.