Health & Fitness

15 Craziest Drugs You Probably Never Knew Existed

There’s no denying that drug use is prevalent in many societies around the world. Even though some drugs have been around for thousands of years, there are always new drugs that are being introduced. The problem is that most of the time these new drugs are dangerous.  Some of the new drugs are known to be too potent and can be many times more powerful than morphine.


1. DNP

DNP is the drug called 2,4 dinitrophenol. It is a drug that is capable of burning fat faster, and it will raise the user’s temperature up to a dangerous level. It was used as a weight loss drug in 1930s, but it got discontinued because of its organ-microwaving tendencies. It got discontinued a few years later.  However, people continue to get it on the black market.  The drug looks yellow and is a crystalline solid. It has a musty and sweet odor. Its steam turns volatile. It is soluble in an organic solvent or in an aqueous alkaline solution.

This is a hallucinogen that is made using fermented poop.  It is easy to produce, which has made it a popular choice in poor countries.  The urine and feces are put into a jar that is covered with a balloon, and it will be fermented by placing it in the sun. People inhale the fumes that have been created.  The effects caused by Jenkem may last up to an hour, and it causes visual and auditory hallucinations for the users.  Some agree that it is even more potent than cannabis.

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